Nanette Milne, Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East has welcomed the launch of Sailors’ Children’s Society and has urged anyone who has worked at sea and who may qualify for support to get in touch with the charity.
Sailors’ Children’s Society provides grants to children and families who have a Seafarers connection. The grants are to help fund holidays, home computers or support service.
Nanette Milne, Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East said:
“The North East has many families who have a seafarers connection with many individuals working at sea.
“I very much welcome the support which the Sailors’ Children’s Society is looking to offer to children and families and would encourage anyone who may need support to get in touch.
Theresa McGuire, Scottish Community Engagement Officer for the Sailors Children’s Society said: “I have recently been employed by a national charity called Sailors’ Children’s Society, my role is to raise awareness of the support available from maritime agencies. If a person or their partner has worked at sea, Cruise Ships, Tankers, Ferries, Cargo ships, Royal Navy and Fishing Fleets, they may be eligible for support. The Maritime Charities give grants for children, holidays, home computers or can provide someone to talk to. I have been contacting agencies, statutory bodies, health improvement teams, third sector organisations and any organisation who might offer support to children and families, as they may be eligible for support.”