Nanette Milne, Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East has called on local residents in Aberdeenshire who have been flooded to sign up to flooding relief scheme.
The total of £16 million will see the SNP Scottish Government contribute £2 million to the £14 million which is to come to Scotland from the Barnett consequential funding announced by Chancellor George Osborne to help communities affected by flooding. Aberdeenshire Council have been allocated £2million, and Aberdeen City Council £500,000.
Nanette Milne, Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East said:
“Under the flooding relief scheme homes, businesses and charities can apply for a one off £1500 grant under the flooding relief scheme.
“Aberdeenshire Council are currently working with the Scottish Government to put in place a mechanism whereby the recently announced fund can be distributed to those affected households, businesses and communities.
“Residents in Aberdeenshire can apply to this fund by emailing: [email protected] please include your full name and/or business name, postal address and daytime contact number, residents/businesses will then be contacted once the fund is up and running.
“Residents in Aberdeen City can apply to this fund by phoning: 08456 080 919".